Een zaterdagavondĀ met vrienden, op de zolder van iemand zijn vader, gezellig zittend rond een met elkaar bij elkaar gesprokkelde lage tafel. Iedereen die een beetje ligt te loungen op de kussens rondom, terwijl er meerdere discussies over allerlei voor pubers ontzettend belangrijke onderwerpen over de tafel vliegen wordt er naar muziek geluisterd. Een groep pubers, …
Category Archives: Personal
Sinds mei van dit jaar ben ik bewuster bezig om uit te zoeken wie ik ben en wat ik wil. Je zou het een quest naar de zin van het bestaan kunnen noemen, maar meestal ben ik niet zo melodramatisch. In die zoektocht kom ik dingen tegen. In dit geval een stukje tekst wat ik …
Hiatus as a weblog is now officially on a hiatus. I don’t know when (or even if) it will return. There are several reasons, one of them is that I can’t find the willpower/energy to write about my own life. I don’t mind sharing, but I like sharing best on a one to one situation. …
Thinking kills
During the day, while driving my car, or while working, I have the most profound insights in humanity or my own life. But when I sit down to write about them, I’ve lost them all. Must be the story of my life, but how can I reach greatness when I’ve forgotten all I need to …
Let’s see where this will lead me
Another month has passed, although I haven’t really noticed it. Time is sort of wizzing by at the moment. So many things going on, projects I’m working on, helping people, getting help, figuring things out, and so forth.
Difficult decisions, big changes
People are strange, time and time again I get reminded of this fact. Everyone is a unique individual, but a lot of traits are being shared by big groups of people. So we are both individual and part of something bigger.
Finally finishing fluff
I’ve changed a lot in the last year, most of it since last summer. Not everything went perfect, but it doesn’t need to be perfect to be really good.
Keeping busy
Sitting in the train back from Amsterdam. Where I’ve been to a photo exposition of a photographer I know. Overthinking my life, using my laptop and a mobile internet connection to write and send some emails. Being nerdy, but also making ‘efficient’ use of time that would otherwise be wasted.
I’ve been thinking, something I’ve been doing a lot lately, about why I do certain thingsĀ the way I do them. And the preliminary conclusions show something that I’m not really proud of.
Well, things are turning out way differently then expected. Not all in a good way, but most of them aren’t bad perse.